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Amy Planck.

The Hot Pink Shaman + Pretty Positive Psychic Medium 

Master your emotions, move through your grief and start living the life of your dreams.


My Story

Hi, I'm Amy Nicole Planck and I'm a Psychic Medium who LOVES facilitating HEALING through TEACHING!

I teach creative, sensitive women like you how to transform your GRIEF into PASSION + PURPOSE!


My intuition story began when I was 4 years old.

When I was 4 years old, I sat in a little red chair on my grandma's sidewalk and asked Jesus into my heart. I was also molested by my step-father who threatened to throw away all of my toys if I didn't wash the dishes. I wasn't tall enough to reach the sink so I had to stand on a step stool...

Here’s how I can help you:


Check out my blog for free resources

Book a Channeled Poem Reading

Apply for the Unleash Your Unicorn Online Program


Master your HEARTACHE + move through your GRIEF...

Start living your MOST VIVID + VIBRANT DREAMS...

Be wildly UNIQUE...


Set yourself FREE, FREE, FREE...


I'm a Shamanic Healer + Psychic Medium who loves wearing hot PINK, whose vibes are pretty positive in the thoughts she THINKS + whose sole mission is to teach deep, soulful gals like you how to be UNIQUE so you can EXPRESS your most wildly creative + outrageous BIG, BIG, DREAMS...

What people are saying.


Shelle Sucharski King

Nashville, Tennesee

I recently had my first (and not the last) reading by Amy. I was pleasantly surprised by her method. It was like a breath of fresh air! Her process allows for a pure and honest read. And it is my belief that in this honesty she achieves her high level of accuracy.

I went into my reading with Amy without much of an agenda, other than choosing a specific date as an open door for communication. Right as rain, the messages I anticipated arrived. Along with a lot more than I expected!

For many years I had been feeling creatively blocked, as if adrift. Amy's reading helped me recognize the areas in my life that have been holding me back and weighing me down. Overall, the experience was very spiritually healing, and intensely validating for my chosen path.


Christina St. Clair

New York

I had been following my dear friend, Amy Plank's, Facebook page for awhile. A lot of what she said I could totally relate to.

At the end of August something was telling me I should sign up for one of Amy's sessions. I knew that I wanted help building up my self esteem and to find a way to achieve some goals I've had for years.

One of the first things Amy had me do was come up with a dream collage. This way I could see all of my goals. Then she had me pick three goals to work on. As we progressed she had me break down each goal into little steps. I was amazed at how easy it was to reach these goals. I was even doing a lot more work then I had to! I could feel my self esteem soaring! I found that if I broke down each goal into little parts my goal could be easily accomplished and in a short amount of time.

In just twelve short weeks I became a stronger, more confident person. It's all thanks to Amy and her amazing program! I can not thank her enough for what she has done! I highly recommend her!


Sylvana Schouten

The Netherlands

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do another reading with you.

Last time I did a reading with you I kept it so close and it has helped me tremendously through a rough period.

Now I am entering a new phase in my life and it's time for another reading. Again it was AMAZING!! While you read the poem(s) to me, I had a big smile
on my face, because I could feel every word being so spot on and recognized everything you said.

What a gift you have and feeling so lucky that I've met you. I LOVE your energy and what you bring to the world. Everytime we speak, I immediately
feel at ease and connected to your spirit. I know you will help many other women with your amazing gift. I can truly recommend you!! You have such an
amazing gift to help others! Thank you again!!


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